Living with pain? Don’t put up with it!

Living with pain? Don’t put up with it!

Do you know the difference between acute and chronic pain? Acute pain generally starts suddenly and lasts for a short period of time, while chronic pain lasts more than three months. It’s important to treat chronic pain with the right medication.
At Community Care Chemist we can advise on a  variety of options for treating pain including
  • prescription medication
  • Over the counter medication
  • Non-medication treatment
If you are taking prescription medication and what to find out what other options are available, chat to one of our pharmacists.
If you are suffering an injury or have ongoing concerns, we can also recommend treatments.
One of the non-medication treatments that can help with managing pain includes the RICE method, RICE stands for:

This can be a  useful of managing some injuries, particularly soft tissue injuries such as stains and strains. It works to reduce blood flow to the injured area, thereby reducing swelling and pain.
So don’t put up with pain – whether it’s a new injury or a something that has been bothering you for some time, there is help available.
Watch the video below to learn more.