The easy way to manage your medication

The easy way to manage your medication

It can be confusing and overwhelming managing your medication, but the good news is, you’re not alone.
Pharmacist Bryce Cameron is urging customers to take advantage of the support available through Community Care Chemist.
“If you’ve got any questions about your medications, no matter how big or small, feel free to pop in and ask us one of our friendly pharmacists,” he says.
From MedsChecks to home medicine reviews and dose administration services, Community Care Chemist is here to help.
The easy way to order and pay
Did you know you can order and pay for your prescriptions using MedAdvisor? This free app is a great way to keep track of prescriptions from your phone, tablet or PC. MedAdvisor connects with your local pharmacy to help you take medication safely, effectively and on-time. You can order prescriptions, pick up in store or have them delivered The app even reminds you to fill your recurring scripts and lets you know when it’s your last repeat.
Free medication checks
If you’re taking more than one type of medication, a MedsCheck can help clear up any confusion. We’ll go through all your medications to help you understand what you’re taking for, discuss possible side effects, and make sure your medications are working for you. We can also generate a report so you’ve got a list of all the medications you should be taking.
Home medication reviews
If you’re taking lots of different medications and you or your doctor are concerned, we can provide a Home Medication Review (only available on referral from your doctor). Our pharmacists are specially trained to conduct these reviews. We’ll make sure you’re not taking anything you shouldn’t, that there are no interactions between the medications you’re taking and generally ensure all your medications are working for you.
Dose administration aids
We also offer a dose administration service, often referred to as a Webster pack or medication sachets. These are helpful when you’re taking too many medications to keep track of. They are simple to use and eliminate the need for you to keep track of all your medications at home. We provide a simple to use pack, ensuring the safe and effective administration of your medication. Dose administration packs can be delivered to your home or available to pick up in store.
So for expert advice and support with all your medication needs, talk to your local Community Care Chemist.